Developmental screening will be available for all preschool aged children (3-5 years) within our 13 district catchment area who may be in need of special education and related services. Vision, hearing, speech, and developmental screenings will be conducted for children from age 3 to 5 at no cost. This free screening is sponsored by the Southeast Kansas Interlocal #637 and our thirteen districts. Appointments . . .
Pre-Retirement Seminars Start in February Across the State . . .
Advocate for fully funding special education!! Let your voice be heard!! Let your legislators know about the labor shortage in our schools and to fully fund special education which allows us to pay a more competitive rate to our paraeducators, teachers, and related service providers. We cannot do this without our government’s support! To send a . . .
For a list of all current professional and paraeducator vacancies click here. If you have any issues with logging on to Talent Ed or submitting your application call the SEK Interlocal office at 620-235-3180. If you have questions, contact Kathy Davidson at 620-235-3180 or ESY Application 2025 . . .