Staff Help Ticket
To submit a question, concern, or idea for one of our committees, please click the link below. The open exchange of ideas for the betterment of the Interlocal is the primary purpose of the help ticket and the committees.
Once a help ticket is completed, it will be routed to the appropriate committee for consideration and feedback provided in a timely manner.
Description of Committees:
Professional Development Committee
The Professional Development Council (PDC) consists of representatives of licensed personnel of Interlocal #637 and is charged with the responsibility for verifying completion of staff development activities and validating points for re-licensure. In addition, the PDC assists in designing and coordinating staff development activities for the Interlocal.
The Mentor Committee is comprised of professional staff representatives that support the SEK Interlocal #637 mentoring program. The purpose of the mentoring program is to provide new SEK Interlocal #637 teachers and certified staff an opportunity to develop new skills, be provided with staff development that is meaningful and job specific, provide training and support, and enhance the skills a teacher may already possess.
The purpose of the Stakeholders Committee is to address organizational processes and procedures to ensure efficiency in Interlocal systems. It is a staff driven process incorporating ideas from all Interlocal staff in order for systems and processes to be efficient for the betterment of our Interlocal. This would include all data and system management tools such as Webkidss, Compuclaim, and Talent Ed.