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SEK Interlocal #637

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Article does not have an imageLink to article: Advocate for Fully Funding Special Education

Sep 22, 2021

Advocate for Fully Funding Special Education

  Advocate for fully funding special education!!   Let your voice be heard!!   Let your legislators know about the labor shortage in our schools and to fully fund special education which allows us to pay a more competitive rate to our paraeducators, teachers, and related service providers. We cannot do this without our government’s support!    To send a message to fully fund special education at the federal level, click the link below! This will go to . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Website

Mar 11, 2021


WEBSITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Items are still available........just moved to different locations. SEK Connection is a "work in progress" Tuition Pool request is under Staff Resources > Links > Important Links.